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Aniversário Z&M !
Há 38 anos provendo soluções inteligentes e robustas para a gestão da sua empresa! 

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Z&M Solutions


ZUMA_ERP: Our flagship product, which stands out in its category as a vital tool for decision-making supported by safe and differentiated information and which adds an extensive range of organizational controls through the full integration of the company's Physical, Financial and Tax controls.

Carregando caixas no caminhão

Issue your electronic invoicesfast and objective. It allows previewing the NF-e, with its bases and taxes calculated and displayed on the screen for verification before sending to SEFAZ. Perform all management after issuance of the tax document. ..

ZUMA_NFC-e: New module that aims to implement a national model of electronic tax document to replace the issuance of tax receipts on paper. The change reduces equipment costs, simplifies ancillary obligations of taxpayers and allows real-time monitoring of commercial operations by the Tax Authorities.


ZUMA_Mobile:Sales force tool that will increase your sales considerably. Works on tablets or smartphones. A  once synchronized, the seller can issue orders even without internet. We have our own API that integrates all sales transactions directly with the  customer database.

ZUMA_WMS: (Warehouse Management System) is responsible for controlling products within the company's warehouse or storage area. One of the main characteristics of this system is to identify the best storage area for each product, obeying pre-established rules and even controlling information such as expiration date, batch and address of each stored product.

ZUMA_Conference: Control tool of extremely safe and automated stock movement intended for “blind” checking of previously sold products. It is sold in modules -basic, intermediate and advanced, adapting to every need. 


Integration with your e-Commerce: Selling over the Internet has become essential, ZUMA_ERP has direct integration with the e-Commerce of your Web Site, these integrations provide more organization and agility in the flow of orders.

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"Trabalhamos com o sistema desde 1985. Na parte fiscal, sempre estiveram à frente dos prazos impostos pelo estado, para atender suas regulamentações e normas. Na parte gerencial administrativa, os relatórios e controles nos proporcionaram tomadas de decisões, as quais nos permitiram chegarmos ate os dias atuais. São parte da caminhada de nossa empresa."


Idílio Mariani Junior

Sócio Administrador

"O Magazin Grande Rio já por quase 15 anos, tem como parceria essa prestimosa Empresa, que nos ajudou muito, na organização, evolução e integração de nossos processos. No decorrer desses anos, O ZUMA ERP desde o rápido atendimento ao cliente até a expedição das entregas de nossos vendas, bem como nosso tradicional Crediário Próprio, vem de ponta a ponta automatizando de facilitando nossas tarefas. Somos parceiros pois estamos crescendo juntos. Sentimos que a Z&M Sistemas tem compromisso conosco e isso é fundamental, pois podemos confiar."


Nilo Carlos Severnine (Carlinhos)



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