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Z&M Sistemas launched the new fiscal module NFC-e (Electronic Consumer Invoice). It has aims to implement a national model of electronic tax document to replace the issuance of paper tax receipts. The change reduces equipment costs, simplifies ancillary obligations for taxpayers and allows for real-time monitoring of commercial operations by the Tax Authorities.
Its differential is that it is a tax document issued and stored specifically electronically, with the aim of documenting operations, whose legal validity is guaranteed through the issuer's Digital Signature.

Reduce bureaucracy: The NFC-e is part of a priority of the State Executive Branch to reduce bureaucracy services by combining management tools and technology and, consequently, provide more agile services to the population. It aims to give more competitiveness to entrepreneurs who invest and generate income and employment. NFC-e seeks to reduce transaction costs between tax authorities and taxpayers, while increasing transaction security.
Benefits for Tenants:
• Simplification of tax registration procedures;
• Single (national) standard for Tax Document;
• Reduction of costs with the acquisition and maintenance of equipment that issue tax coupons and with homologation of software;
• Reduction of ancillary obligations;
• Exemption from issuing the DANFE NFC-e on paper, depending on the consumer's choice;
• Data reliability.
Benefits for the Tax Administration:
• Monitoring in real time and with complete security of the commercial operations carried out;
• Increased reliability of issued Tax Documents;
• Facilities for tax control and information sharing between Tax Administrations and others regulation and control bodies;
• Integration with Digital Tax Bookkeeping (EFD);
• Decrease in tax evasion, with a consequent increase in tax collection.
Consumer Benefits:
• Confirmation in real time of the veracity of the note;
• Decrease in tax evasion and increase in collection, generating more resources to be applied in
State activities and Government social programs.

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